Mission Statement

Implicate Collaborative was formed by Jill French (BA, MFA) and Emily Bruton (BA,MFA).  Emily is based in London and Jill is based in Dublin since mutually finishing our Masters. We connected over a mutual interest in each others work in practice, concept and realization.We decided to develop our collaborative as we also had similar aspirations for the future of Irish art. We saw a gap in the bridging of contemporary practices with public accessibility and also discernible segregation between international art and the development of emerging Irish artists.

Through this collective and its developing projects, exhibitions and discussions we hope to invigorate Irish professional practice among emerging artists. We will endeavor to further integrate conceptual studio practice with academic education and professional art practice. We want to aid in bringing artists closer to their audiences, allowing the audience a greater understanding of concepts and perspectives of the artist outside of the larger established institutions.

Being two Irish artists working in separate locations we are interested in further integration of the international art scene in Dublin as well as helping young Irish artists find a footing on an international level. We believe in the value conceptual art practices can have on a society understanding of itself. We also believe art is and always has been a reflection on the contemporary issues we face today. Furthermore we want to reinforce the value of the art object in a society that consistently relegates it to a frivolity in times of economic decline. Rather than exhibition openings being just ‘happenings’, we wish, through exhibitions and other events, to create an open dialogue with the contemporary world around us. Through investing more time and planning we can create a new model for the organisation of exhibitions and a more tangible platform for artists and their work to be seen and valued.

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